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NOTE: This tree is a "work in progress". Many of the notes are incomplete and some links will not work correctly, especially when inside a Scrapbook. I still have much data to add and apologise to those contributors whose information has not yet been added. My sincere thanks to all.

I have tried to verify as much information as possible but errors may exist or conflict with other sources. Individuals with uncertain details have a (See Notes) label attached to their name.

Any photos will be found in the individual's Scrapbook. Click the "ScrapBook" link in the left menu for a list. These allow only a limited amount of text so I will be adding feature pages containing more detailed notes, photos and links. These will appear at the right of the Scrapbook links. NOTE: The Main Menu (Top Left) will not work when you are in a scrapbook. You can use your browser's BACK button to exit or use the "Exit Scrapbook" link below or here.

Details and photos of individuals labelled as living are automatically excluded, however a separate list is available here for living people who have permitted or asked for their details to be published.

If you do find errors, conflicts or would like to update your line please let me know. Webmaster

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The Fripp family of South Carolina


Capt. John Phripp

1733 - Justice of Norfolk Co., VA
1736 - 1761 - Alderman
14 Nov 1744 - 1746 Mayor of Norfolk (1st time)
1757 - 1758 Mayor of Norfolk (2nd time)

Personal Notices From "VIRGINIA GAZETTE." for 1776 & 1777
Published on 8 Nov 1776
Died, Capt. John Phripp, late of Norfolk, in his 93d year.

NOTE: The death notice in 1776 could refer to the father of Capt. John Phripp who married Frances Mason.

Governor Charles James MacDonald

Governor of Georgina from 1839 - 1843.

See biography at: http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-2817