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The Fripp family of South Carolina


John Ladson

Notes from: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=landymas&id=I1932
Member of the Commons House of Assembly Elected BET 1683 AND 1696 Province of Carolina In the beginning came JOHN LADSON, and a brother, FRANCIS LADSON migrating to the Province of Carolina from the Barbadoes Islands during the latter part of the 17th century. In Registers Records, Book 1675-1696, Columbia, South Carolina, South Carolina State Historical Commission, we find that on 20 May, 1678, JOHN LADSON, of Barbadoes, Merchant, made Jacob Waight, of Ashley River, cordwiner, and FRANCIS LADSON, of Carolina, Planter, his attorneys in Carolina. We have not been able to prove the exact age of John Ladson, but since he gave Francis Ladson his power of attorney, we know that he was, at the time, at least twenty-one years of age. Therefore he was born by 1657, and probably before that time. In Salley's Warrants for Land, 1671-1679, we find that John Ladson, of Carolina, received his first grant for land dated December 11, 1679 - for four hundred acres - location not stated. This large acreage probably covered himself - wife, children and servants. John Ladson married MARY STANYARNE, daughter of THOMAS STANYARNE and MARY STANYARNE. Proof for the last statement is found in the will of Thomas Stanyarne, an abstract of which will accompany these papers. Thomas Stanyarne died in Charleston, and his will was probated February 14, 1682. The will was signed May 10, 1682. JOHN LADSON was a Quaker as shown by his connections with Jacob Waight, Bolton, Fitch, and in various deeds where he made oaths according to his professions. His signature is found on many different legal documents, and one such document is found in Court of Ordinary Records, South Carolina Historical Commission, Book 1672-1692, page 12. His signature shows him to have been a man of education and culture. John Ladson was a MEMBER OF THE COMMONS HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1683-1685, and from 1691-1695. (McCrady's Journals of South Carolina, and South Carolina Under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719, page 238-239. Mr. Ladson was appointed as a member of the assembly from Berkley County. (Historical Sketches of South Carolina by Rivers, page 176, Hewatt's History of South Carolina, Volume I, page 113.) Mr. Leonardo Andrea in his South Carolina Colonial Soldiers and Patriots, page 36, lists JOHN LADSON as a COLONIAL PATRIOT. John Ladson died about the year 1698, and Mary Ladson was appointed administrix of his estate. Mary Stanyarned Ladson died December 7, 1707, aged forty years.

Sarah Saxby

LDS has birth about 1718 Pon Pon, South Carolina